Leathercraft Glue Water Soluble Contact Cement 500ml


This water soluble glue is a contact cement so it is designed to hold leather in place temporarily eg while stitching. It is much easier to use than the old fashioned solvent based glues – and it is classed as a non flammable product so can be sent via the post. The glue has a milky appearance but dries clear. To use apply to both surfaces join together. The 2 pieces of leather will still be able to move into position. Once the glue is dry it will be strong enough to hold the leathers in place while working on them – eg lacing or stitching. After the work has been done the glued surfaces can be pulled apart.

SKU: 3786-00 Category:


Tips on using the Water Soluble Glues…… These glues have a milky appearance and they are rapidly absorbed by porous leather, especially the underside of leather. To get results you need to apply 2 coats of the glue. Apply a generous coating of the glue to both surfaces to be joined then let this dry completely. (say 1-2 hours). This first coat of the glue will soak into the leather and most of the adhesive properties are lost however it forms a binding substrate that the next coat of glue will adhere to. Apply the second coat and wait until it is tacky, then join the 2 pieces of leather together.

Additional information

Weight .52 kg
Dimensions 20 × 7 × 7 cm


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