Angelus Acrylic Paint is your go-to solution for transforming and customising various surfaces. With its high-quality formula and vibrant colours, this paint allows you to unleash your creativity and achieve professional-looking results. Here’s a quick guide on how to properly use Angelus paint on different materials.
For leather surfaces such as shoes, sneakers, clothing, furniture, and more, it is essential to prepare the leather before painting. Start by wiping down the leather with a leather preparer using our applicators, cotton balls, or a rag. Allow the leather to dry for a few minutes, and then wipe it down with a microfiber towel to remove any lint.
Next, apply 3-5 light layers of Angelus Paint to the leather. Make sure to let each layer dry for 15-30 minutes before applying the next one. Note that our neon colours require a base colour of a similar shade before application.
Once you have applied the desired number of paint layers, allow the leather to dry for 24-48 hours. During this time, be cautious of flying lint or debris that could land on the surface and cause imperfections. The longer the paint is allowed to cure, the better the results will be.
If you want to add extra protection or change the sheen of the shoe, you can use Angelus finishers. We offer a range of options such as Flat, Satin, Glossy, and Matte finishes. These finishers not only provide added protection but also allow you to achieve your desired look and feel for the painted surface.
In conclusion, Angelus Acrylic Paint is the perfect choice for those looking to customise and revamp their leather items. With proper preparation, application, and curing time, you can achieve professional and long-lasting results. Explore the wide range of vibrant colours and unleash your creativity with Angelus Acrylic Paint today.